Friday 2 December 2011

Campaign Research

One of our ideas involved using almost a dictionary style approach with 'fig. 1' and the a 'definition' similar to that found in a dictionary, here is a template for that which we would be able to use if we followed up with this idea:

or a layout similar to this could be used, continuing along the same theme:

Thursday 1 December 2011


After looking at our ideas and having tutorials, we have decided to take a less literal approach, we have decided to look at using one hand rather than a collection, below are some of our other ideas:

We're now going to begin to apply this idea to photoshop looking at different treatments and decide on final layouts. We have chosen a few different themes and finished looks we want to persue..

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Campaign Poster Draft 2

Having focussed on the idea of hands and adding other positions of hands rather than just 'hands in the air' I played around with this idea and created an A3 mock up:

Think this is more fun and interesting compared to the first idea but is still missing an edge.. back to the drawing board!

Development: Other Hand Positions

After our first critique, it was suggested that we made our campaign more interesting and fun while keeping the same template of an idea.

To begin to change this, we decided to look at other hand positions we could incorporate into the poster/leaflets; each relevant to the age category that each of the 3 events are targeted at. Broken down:

Alight: Daylight -
Clicking of fingers
Hands in air

Alight: Twilight -
Hands in air

Alight: Into the Night -
Young adults
Fist pumping
Peace sign
Rock and roll sign
Hands in air

I thought it would be valuable to mimic some of these myself and then draw them, adding them  into the existing poster ideas to see the contrast and whether or not its an improvement...

Stamps, Wristbands etc Research

We had previously considered the use of stamps and wristbands but never took this idea any further when sketching etc. We felt that although stamps could work well, after doing some primary research with a cross section of people we fund that they would prefer paraphernalia which they could keep (such as stickers and possibly wristbands) as stamps would be washed off. For the majority of the older audience stamps are not as popular as they are with students and young adults and are often seen as dirty and not very 'classy'.

Wristbands, however are popular with the younger generations and could be kept by the older generation but not necessarily worn - many festival goers keep their fabric made wristbands on for months, if not years after attending the event for social status, conversation starters and memorabilia. the main problem with these is how would they be distributed and seeing as our clients budget is literally ZERO this would probably not be a viable option for her.

There would be three main options for the material of the wristbands, paper would be the lowest cost:

Sticker Research

I used Google search toolbar to look at children's stickers, which is the market we thought we should aim these at; school children given them at school - take them home for parents to see which will encourage parents to go etc. 
All the designs that were most popular were very bright, colourful, interesting shapes, bold outlines, fun etc which is something we need to really consider if this is going to be our audience for these..

However, we might not want to isolate other segments of the target audience as the stickers could be given out in Sheffield City Centre on the days leading up to the event to passers by etc. This is something we need to look at when continuing to design and develop this idea further.

Beer Mat Research

After having the idea of using beer mats to target a certain sector of our target audience and designing a few round outlines and shapes we  were finding it difficult to fit the information onto our hand shaped template, so i decided to look at some existing beer mats for some inspiration and to focus on whether there is a particular layout etc. Below are the top 3 rows of search from Google:
The main principle I have found is that they use bold blocks of colour, large font, large images and if they are including a larger amount of copy it is contained in one place. 

I then tried to search for 'hand shaped beer mats' to see if there were already any out there. There were not; is this a good thing because ours will be the first? Or does it mean we need to rethink our strategy as the shape is not aesthetically pleasing/wasteful to produce etc, maybe we should consider a hand in a circle/square beermat? Or a hand in a more curcular, rounded shape?