Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Beer Mat Research

After having the idea of using beer mats to target a certain sector of our target audience and designing a few round outlines and shapes we  were finding it difficult to fit the information onto our hand shaped template, so i decided to look at some existing beer mats for some inspiration and to focus on whether there is a particular layout etc. Below are the top 3 rows of search from Google:
The main principle I have found is that they use bold blocks of colour, large font, large images and if they are including a larger amount of copy it is contained in one place. 

I then tried to search for 'hand shaped beer mats' to see if there were already any out there. There were not; is this a good thing because ours will be the first? Or does it mean we need to rethink our strategy as the shape is not aesthetically pleasing/wasteful to produce etc, maybe we should consider a hand in a circle/square beermat? Or a hand in a more curcular, rounded shape?

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