Tuesday 29 November 2011

Alight Facebook Page

One of our ideas for a small section of our campaign was to use some Social Networking in order to reach a wider, varied audience. An idea we had to for this was to create a Facebook page and on it ask everyone to upload a picture of their hand, decorated, dressed up etc and then we would judge the winner and they would win 5 free tickets to Alight: Twilight, the ticketed event of the day. We thought this would get people involved and make people aware of the event, the incentive to win something would encourage people to participate, but at the same time we could tell everyone about the event.

While considering creating this Facebook group I thought it was important to look and find any existing ones, I came across the only one which was every basic, had no members/friends/followers and simply had some photographs of a few of the performances on it, I don't feel that this is at all good enough to promote the even and think it would be valuable for us to create one with more of a buzz about it. 

Here is the existing sites page:
Can be found at: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003107115444&sk=wall

I also noted that this cannot be searched for through the Facebook search bar and can only be accessed through Google Search Bar which means that the many Facebook users cannot access it via a simple search which would be the most accessible approach.

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