Sunday 20 November 2011

Primary Research - Questionannaires

To gather some more directed, specific information that we wanted, we created some short questionnaires which we gave out to a variety of ages both in Sheffield and another city, Lincoln. We asked specific questions such as Age/Gender so we could understand the different categories more accurately. We then asked other questions including:

- How would you normally find out about a local event?
- Any words you'd associate with Sheffield?
- Where do you listen to music?
- Best event you've ever been to?
- Best experience you've ever had?

This helped us to understand how different age categories found out about events, which of the 3 events they would suit going to and what they would enjoy (this will help to decide on our advertising campaign!)

It has also given us an idea for part of our campaign; a huge wall/canvas which people could write on their name/age and best day of their life, to create a sense of community and to make it 'legendary' as the client described, creating something to remember the 'once in a life time' day by...

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