Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Brief

Below is the brief we have created for our advertising campaign:

Alight is a music, dance and visual arts event to be held on the 3rd of March 2012 in Sheffield at a variety of venues, to cause excitement and awareness in preparation for the London 2012 Festival. It is a part of Music Nation and the Cultural Olympiad. The day is broke up into 3 main events which are Alight: Daylight, Alight:Twilight and Alight:Into the Night.

What we want to achieve
It is important that people know about the event and that excitement is created around it. The aim is to get people to participate and attend.

This campaign should help achieve a wider awareness of the event and excite people into attending one or more section of the day.

This event is a must see spectacular. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity not to be missed. Involving a fun chance for everyone to get together as a community, including approximately 650 performances throughout the day.

Tone of voice
Exciting, encouraging, friendly, enthusiastic

Target Audience
Local people to Sheffield, particularly people with an interest in music, dancing etc. Families, groups of friends, anyone can get together. Possible corporate sponsors?

Name: Alight
Date: Saturday 3rd March
3 Events - Daylight, Twilight and Into the Night
‘Unite, Arise, Alight’ (or alternative)

Media Requirements
Direct mail
Local Paper

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